

Play Worgle to engage in live, real-time competition with players from across the globe! Because the game is being televised live, you can view other spectators at the same time...

About Worgle

Play Worgle to engage in live, real-time competition with players from across the globe! Because the game is being televised live, you can view other spectators at the same time.

The objective is to find as many words as you can in the allocated time by tracing your finger over the letters on a 6x6 board. At the end of each round, your ranking in comparison to other online players that participated in the same game is shown.

The six challenges of Identify the Worgle.

This is a funny spoof of Josh Wardle's guessing game, Worgle, it should be mentioned.

Each estimate must actually be a six-letter word. To submit, use the enter key.

After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the word.


How to play Worgle

Using mouse

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